43rd Anniversary
Christmas in Ida Parade of Lights
Presented by DTE Energy
Saturday, Dec. 6, 2025
**Parade Entry Deadline Monday, November 17, 2025**
The following information is for television broadcasting commentary. Parade television hosts and announcers will use the information to introduce your organization and describe your entry. Please provide as much information as possible.
Please Note………
Confirmation will be sent by email.
If you do not receive confirmation, please
call Dale W. Zorn 734-269-6175 or
email at dwz@d-pcomm.net
Christmas in Ida
Parade of Lights
Dec. 6, 2025
Parade Unit Rules and Regulations
3:00 Parade Line-up at Ida Public Schools Begins – Enter school grounds through south bus driveway next to carwash on Lewis Ave
4:15 Recommended Arrival Time
4:05 Young Country Music Concert FREE downtown starring To Be Determined 1 block from school
5:00 Downtown Streets Begin to Close – If arriving after 5pm enter the village from the south on Lewis Ave.
5:00 Country Music Concert – Headlining with To Be Determined
5:30 No Outbound Traffic Exiting the School Grounds
6:30 Pre-Parade Show at television stage on Lewis Avenue – Performing: Anita’s Dance Center of Wisconsin
6:30 Fireworks Show
7:00 Parade Kicks-off
❖ Christmas in Ida Parade of Lights adheres to parade protocols
❖ No two units alike or units with loud noises ahead or behind.
❖ Please attach your unit number to the right side of your parade drive unit.
❖ Bands and Marching units will have the opportunity to stop to perform at the television stage. There will be a Floor Director that will direct you where to stop at the television stage. The performance time limit is 2 minutes. The Floor Director will release you when it is time to move. If parade is behind schedule, an early release could occur.
❖ All units must be decorated with a Christmas Theme, and significant and substantial Christmas lights to cover complete parade entry.
❖ The parade route starts in front of the Ida Elementary School on Ida St, to Mill St, to Ida East Rd to Lewis, ending at the Ida Public School South Drive. The route is nearly 2 miles. Parade starts and ends at the Ida Public School.
❖ Parade lineup is at the Ida Public Schools. To enter the school grounds, please use the Ida School South Bus Drive (on Lewis Ave. south of the Blue Streak Snack Shop) The school will be open for your convenience, and food vendors are available.
❖ Parade Line-up officials will be wearing reflective vests.
❖ Because of large crowds, it is best to carpool.
❖ Upon your return to school from the parade route, please proceed to the east side of the parking lot, do not block incoming parade units from the parade route. Parade officials will direct you through the lot.
❖ Bus and vehicle parking is available at the school, or offsite at the shuttle bus turn around, just south of the parade ending point. The off-site parking is convenient if you wish to leave town before the parade ends.
❖ After the parade, it is best to remain at the school until traffic subsides.
❖ Absolutely no other Santa’s or Mrs. Claus’s shall be permitted and will be asked to remove themselves from the parade. Only the parade organization shall provide Santa and Mrs. Claus.
❖ Christmas in Ida Parade of Lights Committee shall remove any unit that projects offensive music or presentation.
❖ For safety concerns, absolutely no throwing of candy. Walkers can hand out candy with their unit.
❖ Units with walkers should not walk between television cameras and their parade unit.
❖ Floats must be decorated in a Christmas theme with Holiday lights.
❖ The Christmas in Ida Parade of Lights Committee reserves the right to inspect all parade units prior to the parade for conformance to RULES AND REGULATIONS and to reject entries that do not conform to regulations and rules or that is not in the best interest or representation of the Christmas in Ida Festival and Parade of Lights as deemed by the Parade of Lights Executive Board.
For more information contact Dale W. Zorn at the contacts below.
Submit Entry Form by U. S. Mail to: Submit Entry Form
Christmas in Ida Parade of Lights Email to: dwz@d-pcomm.net
Dale W. Zorn, Executive Director Fax to: 734-269-2281
P.O. Box 27 On-line: www.christmasinida.com
Ida, MI 48140
(h) 734-269-6175 (c) 734-735-0576 Deadline: Monday, Nov. 17, 2025